
Diamond Mining in Ancient India

The diamonds have been first recognized and mined in India. For centuries, India was the only place one could find these precious stones.

13 Ancient Indian Sages Whose Contributions Were Far Ahead Of Their Times

In ancient times, India was one of the most advanced nations in the world. India has made many valuable contributions to the world. Centuries ago Indian sages had the kind of knowledge which many modern scientists lacks. Many Indian sages made discoveries that no one could think of back in those times.

Law of Gravity was Discovered by Indian

When we talk about gravity, the first name that pops into our heart is Sir Isaac Newton. In school we all have been told the...

The mystery of Indus script

The Indus script is a collection of symbols used in the Indus valley in northern India and Pakistan until 1900 BC. In spite of many attempts, the 'script' has not yet been deciphered.

Uruk: The World’s First Big City

Cities began to emerge about the same time in various places around the world. But most archaeologists agree that it is fair to claim Uruk as one of the world’s first cities.

Life in ancient Sumer

The first writing system. The plow. The sailboat. The first lunar calendar. These accomplishments and more were the products of the city-states of Sumer,...

Megaliths: Stone Age Architecture

Megaliths are stone structures that were built by ancient peoples around the world for reasons which have largely been lost to us.

Liangzhu: the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilisation that time forgot

The ancient city of on the lower Yangtze delta, with its sophisticated system of waterways, is astonishing archaeologists and rewriting the history books.

Universities of Ancient India

Most Indians today are well aware of the two famous ancient universities of India which also are one of the oldest universities in the world – Takshashila University (Taxila) and Nalanda. But are these the only knowledge centers that existed in ancient India?
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