
A Comet may have destroyed first human settlement 12,800 Years Ago

Fragments of a comet likely hit Earth 12,800 years ago, and a small human settlement in Syria might have suffered the impact

Paintings discovered inside coffin of 3,000-year-old Egyptian mummy

The Paintings on the coffin of mummy 'Ta-Kr-Hb' depict Egyptian goddess Amentet. She is set to be displayed to the public at the Perth City Hall Museum from 2022.

Railway workers discover 14th century cave in England

A team of rail workers doing repairs near the the English town of Guildford have uncovered a small cave believed to be from the 14th century.

Scientists Find Traces of Ancient Rainforests in Antarctica

A new discovery has found evidence of lush forests where life thrived covered Antarctica more than 90 million years ago.

Mesoamerican copper smelting technology aided colonial weaponry

Spanish conquerors depended on indigenous expertise to keep up their munitions supplies, archaeologists have found.

Statue Fragments Found Near Cambodia’s Bayon Temple

Two sandstone heads of tug-of-war statues have been spotted and brought out from a canal near the Gate of the Dead. This was found...

Archaeological Findings Suggest New Guinea Began Neolithic Period Independently

The new discovery of ancient tools in Papa New Guinea offers evidence that cultural changes sparked by farming were not imported from Asia, but developed independently in the region.

Traces of Buddhist Monastery Discovered in Bangladesh

‘This discovery is of vital importance to the archaeological history of Bangladesh’

Ancient human ancestor ‘Little Foot’ probably lived in trees, new research finds

High-resolution micro-CT scanning of the skull of the fossil specimen known as “Little Foot” has revealed some aspects of how this Australopithecus species used to live more than 3 million years ago.
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