
16 Legendary Lost Cities of India

These cities were once inhabited but due to wars, natural calamities and climate change, they were abandoned many, many years ago.

Lake Garda: Italy’s Scenic Jewel

Lake Garda is a stunning destination situated in Northern Italy. It is the largest lake in the country, stretching for approximately 52 kilometers from...

Monolithic Rock Cut Temples of Masrur

The temple standing magnificently on a hill crescent is a unique example of monolithic temples in the sub Himalayan region. The entire complex contains about 15 sikhara temples and a rectangular water tank

Stonehenge: England’s Megalithic Mystery

Recognized worldwide, Stonehenge seems an impossible task: how, and why, did prehistoric people build it?

Borobudur Temple: The largest Buddhist Temple in the world

Borobudur is one of the great monuments of Southeast Asia. It is a colossal Buddhist stupa that rises out of the rice paddies and palm trees with the nearby volcano Gunung Merapi in the distance. This mysterious and beautifully constructed monument has survived volcanic eruptions, a 2006 earthquake, and even terrorist bombs.

Watch These 7 ancient ruins reconstructed with Architectural GIFs

The world is home to a plethora of fascinating ancient ruins, from crumbling cities to temples that have withstood the test of time. These...

Great Zimbabwe: Stone Ruins of a Civilization

An ancient city constructed almost 1000 years ago and long since ruined, Great Zimbabwe was proof that black African culture, far from being inferior to colonial society, was in fact comparable. It was the capital of the Kingdom of Zimbabwe during the country’s Late Iron Age.

25 Lost Cities Forgotten by Time

It might be difficult to imagine how an entire city can become lost in time, leaving nothing more than ruins in its wake. Whether due to war, natural disaster, climate change or other reasons, cities have risen and fallen throughout history.

Angkor Wat – Worlds largest religious monument

Located in Siem Reap, Angkor Wat was once the largest pre-industrial city in the world. It remains one of the world's ancient wonders and is a must-see for any visitor to Cambodia.
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