
The Ruined City of Ani

Ruled by a dizzying array of kingdoms and empires over the centuries, the former regional power of Ani is now an eerie, abandoned city of ghosts.

Ancient Virupaksha Temple at Hampi

Believed to functioning uninterruptedly ever since its inception in the 7th century AD, Virupaksha temple is one of the oldest functioning temple in India. The temple is recognized as the World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

14 Mind Blowing Underwater Ruins of Lost cities

These ancient underwater remains serve as a reminder of how vulnerable we are and how fast Mother Nature can end our existence.

Meghalaya – The Hills are alive

Dense green forests, cascading waterfalls, living root bridges and rich tribal heritage make the state of Meghalaya in Northeast India a fascinating experience for every traveller

Kesaria Stupa – One of Tallest Buddhist Stupa in State of Neglect

Rising high out of the earth from where the dying Buddha donated his begging bowl, the enormous Kesaria Stupa is an enthralling example of how nature can reclaim a deserted monument.

Mysterious Fingal’s Cave in Scotland

An astounding creation that evokes images of fantasy worlds, Fingal’s Cave is a demonstration of nature’s absolute power.

The Arctic Henge

Located in one of Iceland’s most remote northern villages, the Arctic Henge is a colossal piece of stone construction that, when finished, will make Stonehenge look like amateur hour.

Attabad lake: The most beautiful lake in Pakistan

Attabad lake in northern Pakistan confirms that mountains have their often dramatic life. It was founded only in 2010, when a massive landslide in the mountain shut out the entire valley of river Hunza. Today it is one of the most beautiful lakes of the world because of the surrounding dramatic mountain landscape.

Top 15 Incredible Rock Cut Caves In India

Rock cut architecture is the practice of creating a structure by carving it out of solid natural rock. There are more than 1,500 rock-cut temples in India, most of which are religious in nature, adorned with decorative paintings and exquisite stone carvings reflecting a very high level of craftsmanship.
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