Arts & Culture

Sumerian Art & Architecture

Like many ancient cultures, the Sumerians developed art that was largely reflective of their religious beliefs. The Sumerian art medium of choice was clay which was abundant in the region, but statues made from stone have also been unearthed. Often artist decoration adorned functional items such as pottery, weapons, or even farm implements.

Australian Aboriginal Rock Art

Aboriginal rock art is the oldest form of indigenous Australian art. It is thought that there are over 100,000 rock art sites in Australia which provide a unique archive of indigenous art.

Ancient Indian Sculpture

The story of Indian art and sculpture dates back to the Indus valley civilization of the 2nd and 3rd millennium BCE. Tiny terra-cotta seals...

Terracotta fragments of the Lapita people

Flourished in the Pacific Islands from about 1600 BCE to about 500 BCE. Archaeologists believe that the Lapita are the ancestors of historic cultures in Polynesia, Micronesia, and some coastal areas of Melanesia.
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