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Lothal – Ancient Port City of Indus Valley Civilization

Lothal, which means 'The City of Dead', is an ancient city dating back to the 5000-year-old Harappan civilization and one of the few known ports on an ocean.

Bridge of Rama: Traces of an Ancient Advanced Civilization

A chain of “rocks” is connecting India to Sri Lanka. This is the commonly accepted version by geologists for this strange strip of rocks. For the Hindus these formations are remainings of the Bridge of Rama

Etruscan civilization of Ancient Italy

Before the small village of Rome became “Rome” with a capital R, a brilliant civilization once controlled almost the entire peninsula we now call Italy. This was the Etruscan civilization, a vanished culture whose achievements set the stage not only for the development of ancient Roman art and culture but for the Italian Renaissance as well.

Varahamihira – Indian Sage who Predicted Water Discovery on Mars 1500 Years Ago

Even thousands of years before, India had become famous and reached its pinnacle in astrological and astronomical sciences. Ancient Astrological works had been translated...

Archaeologists in Turkey Discover a Mysterious Ancient Kingdom

Evidence of a previously unknown ancient civilisation that existed for around 800 years has been found in Southern Turkey.   Researchers from University of Chicago were...

12,000 Year Old Rock-art of Tadrart Acacus

The Rock-art Sites of Tadrart Acacus hold thousands of cave paintings that reflect the way of life of different Saharan civilizations.

The plastered skull of Jericho

Over 50 years ago, excavations near the town of Jericho revealed a mysterious human skull. But it was only recently that Museum researchers have been able to learn more about the person behind the plaster, thanks to modern technology.

The Pillars of Ashoka

The Pillars of Ashoka are a series of columns dispersed throughout the northern Indian subcontinent, erected by the Mauryan king Ashoka during his reign in the 3rd century BC.

Bateshwar Temples — India’s largest jigsaw puzzle

Bateshwar Temple complex is not home to only a solitary temple but the temples here form a giant jigsaw puzzle with its pieces scattered over 25 acres of a hill slope.

The Tomb of Romulus, Founder of Rome, May Have Been Found

A rock sarcophagus unearthed in the Italian capital is believed to have once held the remains of the city's first king after his death in the 6th century BC.
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